Joy In All - The Book of Philippians

Philippians is a letter written to a growing church where fear and suffering were knocking at the door. It is a letter which charges Christians to rejoice in all things of life in response to their identity in Christ and the future hope that awaits. In our uncertain times of worry and fear there, Philippians prompts us to lift our heads to who we are in Christ and the joy that is found in knowing and serving Jesus in all of life.

We live in world where this kind of love and care is transactional. People do stuff for others if they can get something in return. Or that person and can be of value. But Christians are loved and served by saviour who gave all for nothing in return. Who died for those who people nothing but their sin. Who gave-up His thrown for those who were his enemies. That is the kind of love and care God’s people are called to.